Monday, November 22, 2010

Werewhale Sculpture

Updated: I added the skeleton structure and started in on the rest of the fig.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Issue #2

Hey Werewhale fans,

It's been quite some time since we've posted art around here. Truth is, after the mad push to get the comic done and ready for comic-con, we attended to other parts of our art lives.

But have no fear, we've been tossing ideas back and forth for the next issue and we're in the process of trying to nail some stuff down. At this point in time, I'll be continuing the werewhale story into issue #2, while Chris, Jon and Jay will probably do something entirely different. (Maybe introduce another creature or story)

For the past month, I've been busy writing a new tale. One that helps establish the story from part one. Last night, I broke out the sculptey and started modeling a new werewhale. I wanted something more human, and more fierce. My plan is to do at least a whole bust, I'd love to do the whole body. (I originally bought 4 bars of clay, and it's going to take much more than I had thought. And I need to figure out how much clay can be put in the oven, and if a wire frame can accompany it.)

Hope you like.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


If you pick up the latest issue of the awesomely spectacular ImagineFX magazine you just may spot a whale or two!

Werewhale on sale HERE

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Comic Con

hello Robert Kirkman have ye heard the tale of the Werewhale?
Con is off to a great start. We can proudly say that Curse of the Werewhale is Mignola approved!! :)

Monday, July 19, 2010


The Curse of the Werewhale is now done and for sale.

Artgasm Studios presents The Curse of the Werewhale. Available in Softcover and Hardcover, the book includes four stories detailing the legend of the mythic beast. Also included is a pin-up and sketchbook section, and as a special bonus, a 2 page Epilogue that gives a glimpse of where things are going in the next issue.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Something extra - non-whale related.

Just working on something for my personal portfolio. I figure it'll be good to have a few recognizable character pages thrown in.

Monday, May 31, 2010

New Page

kind of experimenting with this page. not done yet, just seeing what works for me

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

secret origins

working on a little one page tale on the history of the werewhale idea. heres the thumbnail. gonna keep it cute.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Page

This goes after the cover. Originally all the text on this page, was going to be on the cover..but I extended it. So now there will be a couple of new pages at the very beginning.

Jason May tackles the Were Whale.

Chris was kind enough to invite me to submit a story for the legendary tale of the Werewhale. Sure, many tales have been told, but no one is really sure truth behind this mystical creature. In my very short sequence you will here a number of these rumors and legends, but is any of it true?

Here are a couple roughs I'm tooling.

Chapter Cover Page

Here's my cover page

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Page 6

Finally got the Night Time color palette that I was aiming for. Now I can start flying thru the other pages. Oh...and Panel 2 is just a filler until I paint a more interesting face. I really just wanted to get down the colors quickly and see if it worked or not.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Page

Page 3 of my story. I think I've got the night scene colored the way I want it - finally. Took a couple of different tries.

ps: Ya know, I think turning all these page into rgb jpegs are lightening them up some...cuz this one was definitely darker in some areas Photoshop.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Fishing Tale

So I'm starting the fishing side of my chapter. I'm stilling having issues with the first page. I've probably painted it over 11 times now. I think at this point I'll save it for last. Here's page 2. The 2 pages are going to be in this color range, then it turns over to night.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

putting the were in werewhale?

here some loose thumbnails for a separate but related story to add some mysticalness and a little explanation. not sure what style i'll use

Thursday, April 22, 2010

more tweaks

redid the first panel and the little circle. tweaked the woodcut

title page

this is about the 6th version of this page. still trying to get it right.

Werewhale - Cartoon Version

I keep doodling simpler and simpler versions of the werewhale. Here's some cartoon versions just for fun.