Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Den of Thieves

2009!?!  Already?  Where does the time go?  I'm sitting here, putting the final touches on my evil animal piece, while the amazing Benjamin Button* soundtrack blasts off my speakers.  I started to think of our next challenge and my first thought was a villain shown at 3 periods in his life**.  But this seemed too easy.  I think this upcoming year, should be the year to get serious.  To make some leaps.  Artistically. Personally. Figuratively.  Literally, too, why not!   

So lets step up these challenges, shall we?  I think it's time to start drawing outside our cozy little boxes.   (The music is coming to a crescendo, you almost hear, can't you.)

Here's what I'm thinking.  (And it has nothing to do with the movie)

Part 1: Thieves
I want a page of character concepts for a group of thieves.  Say, at least 10.  2 rows, 5 columns.
These should be exploratory in nature.  Painted Black and White. Not really super super detailed.  But detailed enough to give the sense of a world in which these men belong to.  It can be past, present, future...whatever.  Each character, though, still has to be his own being.  No Clones aloud.

Part 2: Den
Draw their den, their hide-out, their base.  I'm thinking from a 3/4 viewpoint.  Again, this doesn't have to be fully rendered.  Just enough to sell your concept.  It can be a single room where the deals are made, it can be a building, it can be whatever fits your thieves' world.

Place all characters on one sheet.  Place Den, next to them if they fit. Or on a separate sheet.

So.  Go at it!

* Chris, go see this in the theater, it's a big screen kind of movie - don't wait for dvd. Go alone if have to. Actually. That might add to the experience.
** Maybe we'll come back to this first idea, if we can up the ante a bit.

1 comment:

Chris Gugliotti said...

I like it. wait. Let me read the next paragraph..... NOOOOOOO... backgrounds!!!! damn you! i'll get you Snair. In this life or the next! Also, in regards to your first idea, read Soon I will be Invicible by Austin Grossman.